Why does Nagorno-Karabakh matter to Armenia and Azerbaijan?

Why does Nagorno-Karabakh matter to Armenia and Azerbaijan?

Nagorno-Karabakh is a small, mountainous region primarily populated by ethnic Armenians. However, according to international law, it falls under Azerbaijani sovereignty. The conflict in this area has a complex history, with three major episodes of hostilities: one in the early 1990s, another in 2020, and most recently, a 24-hour offensive by Azerbaijani forces targeting local Armenian defense positions.

Azerbaijan insists on the complete integration of Nagorno-Karabakh into its territory, with no minority or political rights for the Armenian population. Ethnic Armenians, on the other hand, have deep-seated fears of genocide and ethnic cleansing, given the historical hostility between the two communities.

The recent conflict has been characterized by Azerbaijan's military offensive, which has been emboldened by its relative wealth, oil and gas resources, and a population of 10 million compared to Armenia's 3 million. Nagorno-Karabakh, with its 120,000 population, has been blockaded by Azerbaijan, leading to a dire humanitarian situation.

The conflict also marks a significant shift in modern warfare, with Azerbaijan deploying advanced technology, including Turkish and Israeli drones, to gain a tactical advantage. This has forced other nations to reconsider their defense policies.

The broader context of the conflict involves regional powers. Azerbaijan, with Turkish support, feels emboldened to reclaim Nagorno-Karabakh, especially as Russia's influence in the region wanes. Armenia has also increasingly looked to the West for support due to perceived Russian failures in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Russia, traditionally a mediator in the region, has been preoccupied with Ukraine and appears to be less willing to intervene on Armenia's behalf. The situation has strained relations between Armenia and Russia, with Armenia seeking stronger Western ties.

Overall, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is complex, deeply rooted in historical tensions, and influenced by shifting regional dynamics, making it a matter of significant concern and interest for both Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as neighboring and global powers.


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