The electric roads that charge your car as you drive

 "Charging on the Move: Electric Roads Could Revolutionize EVs"

In the southern Swedish town of Lund, an innovative concept is gaining traction – electric roads that can charge electric vehicles (EVs) as they drive. This groundbreaking technology, known as conductive charging, promises to reshape the future of electric transportation.

These electric roads consist of short segments equipped with electrified rails that connect with specially designed pickups on EVs. As a vehicle travels along this road, it makes contact with the electrified rail, allowing it to charge while on the move. The power is delivered through a metal strip that slides along the rail. An antenna system and sensors ensure that only specific sections of the road have live current, and the vehicle owner can be billed for the energy used.

Advocates of electric roads argue that they are a more practical solution than building a vast network of charging stations, particularly for long-haul trucks and buses. It could also reduce the need for large batteries in vehicles, making EVs more affordable and efficient.

To test this concept, modified Tesla and Nissan Leaf vehicles were used, along with local buses and commercial vans. The technology appears promising, offering potential benefits for EV users and environmental sustainability. However, questions about safety and the need for extensive infrastructure investment remain.

Despite these challenges, electric roads represent a significant step toward a more electrified future for transportation. As the world seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to electric vehicles, innovative solutions like conductive charging may play a crucial role in shaping the way we power our vehicles.


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